Improving Education Through Technology Solutions

Providing the best school administration, teaching
and learning experience to educators, students and
parents through innovative software and technology.

Our Products Are Designed to Simplify School Activities

FlexiSAF is on a mission to provide the best administration, teaching and learning experience to educators, parents and students through innovative software and technology.

There is a Solution for All Stakeholders

Our mission is to transform education using technology. As we grow as a company we have 7 strong values that keep us moving and guide the way we work in order to help achieve our mission.

School Administrators

We use innovative technology to develop tools for more comprehensive and efficient management of schools to achieve better results.

Government Agencies

Having deployed several adaptive educational software, our model is strategically aligned to aid government agencies in achieving their set educational goals.

Educational Bodies

Our solutions allow us to partner with organizations to support learning & teaching, oversight and management for education in various environments.

Problems We Are Solving

Educational institutions are faced with numerous challenges like lengthy manual processes, lack of transparency, accountability, efficiency and communication. Solving these problems are generally expensive and time-consuming. We provide these institutions with affordable and efficient solutions to these problems. We want to bring about societal progress through Educational Technology.

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Our Value Proposition

From decision making to set up, staff training and support. We are
with you all the way to ensure your activities continue to run smoothly.

A Personal Journey

Our clients are part of the FlexiSAF family. We stick with you and evolve together, providing solutions that accommodate your unique and changing needs.

A Wealth of experience

With 10+ years of experience, our technical expertise has been emboldened by our resolve to help you conquer barriers.

Dedicated support

We provide a wide range of support for all our customers using all our solutions to ensure that you can get the best experience and results.

But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…

Here’s a few words from some of our clients
Having used "a portal" for several years before embracing SRMS, MAUTECH now understands the power of a system that can leverage on registration information to provide a complete cycle for records processing and reports generation. Information about students' current academic status, level, etc makes it possible to provide a "full controlled registration"
Modibbo Adama University
As one of the early clients of FlexiSAF, Centre for Distance Learning University Of Maiduguri, never looked back since 2007 when they computerized their students' records management. With over 12,000 students' records and more than 500,000 enrolled courses, CDL can now process transcripts of its graduates and students within 24 hours.
Centre for Distance Learning
Offering over 100 programs with different affiliations and grading systems, Adamawa State Polytechnic is able to manage about 10,000 students' records in every session and produce their results in time and ensure high integrity of records. Delivering in time and the level of accuracy was a big challenge before the intervention.
Modibbo Adama University

How We Give Back.

FlexiSAF believes that by being part and parcel of the society, it must contribute positively in the overall well-being of our community.  As such we strive to attack the ills of society using what we do best.

There are millions of children across the globe who would love to learn do not get the chance. Find out our response (intervention) to this.

Get in Touch With Us

Have questions, or want to talk about working with us?